Complete 1095 Reporting—Affordable and Easy!

Let 1095Hawk accurately, efficiently and securely streamline your ACA reporting.

No matter the size of your business or organization, whether you’re self-insured or fully insured, 1095Hawk is the easy and most affordable way to complete your ACA 1095 reporting.


PPP Loan Forgiveness
On average, ninety percent of the work is completed in three simple steps. You’ll enjoy minimal data entry and ease of use.


All forms are processed or reviewed by a Certified Public Accountant. You’ll rest assured knowing all your forms are accurately e-filed on time to the IRS, avoiding costly penalties.


ACA 1095
Our ACA experts are available to answer questions and guide you along our easy three-step filing process. If you receive an IRS penalty from past errors, our qualified staff communicate on your behalf to seek abatement.

Getting Started

Once we receive your signed contract, you will receive a username and password to access our “1095 Census Database”. A link to access our “1095 Census Database” is provided in the action links at the bottom on this page. Also in the action links, download the Excel spreadsheet “1095 Census”. This spreadsheet acts as the data collection sheet. You will enter the information on this spreadsheet for everyone in your organization that receives a W-2 or is on the organization’s health insurance plan.

Our Simple Three-Step Process for Submitting Your Data

Step 1

Once the data collection form is completed (Excel sheet), go to our “1095 Census Database” (link provided in Action Links at the bottom of From there enter your supplied username and password and log on to 1095Hawk. Fill out employer information.

Step 2

Upload the data collection form (1095Census) to our “1095 Census Database”. Review the errors. The IRS electronic filing system is very specific, so it is important to clear all errors. After correcting errors on your 1095 Census spreadsheet, re-import the data. You will not lose existing data already entered.

Step 3

Complete all required additional information for employees with special situations 1095Hawk will identify these special cases which need additional information. Click “Submit” to send your data to 1095Hawk.

Start Your ACA Reporting Today!


95Hawk Package Options

Choose between competitive pricing (A) or complete service (B)

Pricing Effective 2024

Package A Price Package B Price
1 – 50 1095-B forms $525

Add $1.25 per form

1 – 50 1095-C forms $1,205
51 – 100 forms $1,315
101 – 150 forms $1,510
151 – 300 forms $1,790
301 – 500 forms $2,070
501 – 1000 forms $2,630
1001 – 2000 forms $3,840
2001 – 3000 forms $5,215
3001 – 4000 forms $6,710
4001 – 5000 forms $8,275
5000+ forms Contact us for quote

Multiple EIN’s as part of an aggregate group add $690 per additional EIN.

State filing and form completion – by quote.

If your census is submitted after 1/15/2025, add 20% to the rates on this page.

Comparison of Providers

Self-insured or fully insured employers will benefit from this affordable service. Compared to other ACA reporting services available today, 1095Hawk is by far the best value for complete service.

Pricing For:

1095Hawk Best Value ACA Reporting Service ADP
100 forms 
1,000 forms 
5,000 forms
$3,000 - $3,600
$4,500 - $6,000
$8,500 - $10,800
Price increases planned during 2017 No ? ?
1095-C form; lines 14, 15 and 16 determination Yes Yes Yes
Electronic filing with the IRS Yes Yes Yes
Forms completed by CPAs Yes No No
Three form delivery options Yes No No
Payroll services available Yes No Yes
Compatible with any payroll/HR system Yes Yes No
Handles mid-year insurance renewals Yes ? ?
Handles age-rated, gender-rated premiums Yes ? ?
Stand-alone service Yes Yes No

Additional Services

  • Affordability consulting
  • Penalty consulting
  • Data manipulation
  • Data export
  • Exchange notices
  • FTE calculation
  • E-file errors &TIN correction
  • Test data

Services available at $40 per unit: One unit of service = ACA consultation with a senior tax CPA up to ten minutes.

Have 1095 reporting problems or questions?