Our Leadership Team

La Crosse, WI

Angie Campbell

Angie Campbell

608.793.3140 | Email Me

Greg Kenworthy Web

Greg Kenworthy, CPA

608.793.3141 | Email Me

Abe Leis

Abe Leis,  CPA

608.793.3131 | Email Me

Green Bay, WI

Manitowoc, WI

Marshfield, WI

Medford, WI

Randy Juedes

Randy Juedes, CPA

715.748.1346 | Email Me

Mequon, WI

Neenah, WI

Rochester and St. Charles, MN

Winona, MN

Director of Accounting and Auditing
Joe Haas, CPA | 608.793.3158

Director of Information Technology
Lou Kalis608.793.3100

Director of Firm Accounting/CFO
Ben Miller, CPA | 608.793.3109

Director of Tax
Curt Bach, CPA | 715.301.7631

Human Resources Generalist
Kelly King | 608.793.3135

Marketing Manager
Corenne Gutierrez | 920.337.4544

Co-Director of Training
Briana Peters, CPA | 920.337.4549

Co-Director of Training
Nicole Malueg, CPA | 920.684.2523