Author: Greg Kenworthy

5 Keys to Disaster Planning for Individuals

5 Keys to Disaster Planning for Individuals

Disaster planning is usually associated with businesses. But individuals need to prepare for worst-case scenarios, as well. Unfortunately, the topic can seem a little overwhelming. To help simplify matters, here are five keys to disaster planning that everyone should...
Shifting Capital Gains to Your Children

Shifting Capital Gains to Your Children

If you’re an investor looking to save tax dollars, your kids might be able to help you out. Giving appreciated stock or other investments to your children can minimize the impact of capital gains taxes. For this strategy to work best, however, your child must...
6 Tax Benefits of Homeownership

6 Tax Benefits of Homeownership

Here are our top 6 Tax Benefits of Homeownership 1. Mortgage Interest Deduction Mortgage interest paid during the year is an income tax deduction. For many people this could be a huge deduction. 2. Points Paid The first year you buy your home you are able to claim the...