CPA-HQ Articles and Podcasts

Do a little research and learn something new on CPA-HQ. Our articles are written by the accounting and tax professionals at Hawkins Ash CPAs. Our CPAs and staff are committed to providing relevant and accurate information to help individuals, businesses and organizations keep on track and plan for what’s ahead.


The New Federal Overtime Rule: Striking a Balance Between Morale and Compliance

Before the new federal overtime rule goes into effect on Dec. 1, 2016, many U.S. employers will need to evaluate ...

Are You Sure You Want to Take that 401(k) Loan?

With summer headed toward its inevitable close, you may be tempted to splurge on a pricey "last hurrah" trip. Or ...
Retirement Plan

IRS Finalizes Rule on Designated Roth Account Disbursements

On May 18, the IRS finalized a rule that will make it easier for retirement plan owners to transfer after-tax ...
/ / Employee Benefit Plan, Tax
Hawkins Ash CPAs

Getting a Jump-Start on your 401(k) Audit

This is the time of year that you start looking at your 401(k) audit. Here are a few tips for ...

DOL Change in Fiduciary Rule

As a retirement plan sponsor, you often hear a lot about fiduciary responsibilities and how important it is that you ...

Forfeitures: Why Reading the Plan Document is So Crucial

Reading and understanding your company's plan document is crucial to making sure your company is complying with the Employee Retirement ...
New Lease Standard

The New Lease Standard

On February 25, 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2016-02, Leases. The issuance ...
Retirement Plan Leakage

Retirement Plan Leakage: 101

The word "leakage" is a term that most would not associate with retirement savings. You hear the word leakage and ...
/ / Employee Benefit Plan
Retirement Plan

Retirement Plan Catch-Up Contributions

Are you thinking about retirement and are concerned you haven't been contributing enough to your employer sponsored retirement plan account? ...
Wellness Newsletter

Wellness Newsletter – September 2015

Although most people have their blood pressure measured at the doctor’s office once a year, many people aren’t sure what ...