Podcast: Credit Reports

Credit Reports

Written by Jeff Dvorachek

February 17, 2022

With so much of our information being on-line these days, the risk of our identities being stolen is higher than it has ever been. Did you know that you can request a free copy of your credit report annually?

Where is the best place to go to get a credit report?

  • www.annualcreditreport.com
  • This is the only place authorized by federal law and it’s free.
  • There are other services out there, but this one is what I recommend.

What information will a person need to supply?

  • Name, address, former address and SSN.
  • You will need to answer questions about your past.

There are three credit reports. Can a person get all three?

  • Yes, TransUnion, Equifax and Experian.

Should I get all three at the same time?

  • I would spread them out over the course of a year.
  • Since you can request one per year, I would get one now, one 4 months from now and the last one in eight months from now.
  • Especially important if you are having fraud issue.

Will it show me my credit score?

  • Unfortunately, it will not. You have to pay a fee to that information.

What will it show?

  • Names, addresses, phone numbers and employers associated with your accounts.
  • Any information reported by companies
    • Mortgages, loans, credit cards
    • Balances for the last number of years
    • Shows on time payments and late payments
    • Shows accounts opened and closed.

What if I find some incorrect information?

  • Initiate a dispute right on the website
  • Credit freeze

Be sure to talk to a tax professional if you have any questions about credit reports.

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Jeff Dvorachek
As a partner, I have thorough experience providing tax services to individuals, privately held businesses, nonprofit entities and estates and trusts. I also provide compilation and review services.

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