Steve Arnold

Steve Arnold

CPA, EA, partner

Phone: 507.453.5962
Email Me

About Steve

With 20 years of accounting experience, Steve Arnold joined the Winona, MN, office of Hawkins Ash CPAs in 2017. In his current role asPartner, he reviews tax returns for businesses, individuals, trusts, and exempt organizations, provides tax planning and consultation services, as well as financial statement review and compilations

In addition to achieving CPA certification in 2020, Steve attained his Enrolled Agent (EA) designation over 18 years ago.

As a partner, my goal is to fulfill the accounting, tax, and bookkeeping needs of all our Hawkins Ash clients to the best of my abilities and to lead our Winona team in helping our clients achieve their business goals.

Steve Arnold, CPA, EA

Areas of Focus


Tax Services, Review, and Compilation


Bachelor of Business Administration, Management, Radford University

Masters of Business Administration, Accounting, University of Phoenix

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Enrolled Agent (EA)

Professional Affiliations

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Minnesota Society of CPAs

Community Organizations

Winona Noon Lion’s Club

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