CPA-HQ Podcasts
Welcome to the Tax Insights Podcast! In these five-minute talks, Jeff Dvorachek breaks down complex tax topics into bite-size how-to’s. Play an active role in reducing your tax liability and listen in today. Catch the latest episodes here or wherever you listen to podcasts.
The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
As the cost of daycare continues to increase, did you know that there is an IRS credit that may be ...
Multi-Level Marketing Company—The Tax Considerations Independent Sales Reps Need to Know
In this day and age, it’s hard to go a day without seeing somebody selling a product for some type ...
Paying for College: The Lifetime Learning Credit
Over the last couple of weeks, we talked about the American Opportunity Tax Credit. This week I want to continue ...
Paying for College: The American Opportunity Tax Credit
Over the last couple of weeks, we talked about business credits that are available. Go back and listen to those ...
Credit for Setting Up a Retirement Plan
Over the last couple weeks, we’ve talked about different credits that are available to businesses for doing things they might ...
Disabled Access Credit
As business get more and more competitive, owners are making improvements to their product and premises. As these improvements are ...
Work Opportunity Tax Credit
With the unemployment rate as low as it has been in the last 50 years, employers know how difficult it ...
The Zero Percent Tax Bracket
Last episode we talked about how $1 of additional income could cost you tens of thousands of dollars. This week ...
The Affordable Care Act Cliff
As more and more people go onto the Health Care Marketplace to get their health insurance, they need to mindful ...
Form 1095: What Employers Need to Know
The Affordable Care Act of 2010 brought some additional recording requirements with it for certain businesses. To discuss this I ...